Making peace with the beauty Mother Nature still provides.

By Richard Pérez-Feria

Photography by Bryan Derballa

Growing up playing tennis in the suburbs of Miami, one could logically assume I’d be an outdoorsy kind of guy. But after the better part of four decades living in the center of some of this country’s largest megalopolises (New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, New Orleans), my comfort level being inside a given edifice’s walls hit cruising altitude. Yeah, inside’s where it’s at for this dyed-in-the-wool city kid. 

Then, nearly a decade ago, I bought a home in the Hudson Valley that was perched on a lovely corner lot, on a lovely cul-de-sac, and I was, again, confronted with the dilemma: It’s sure pretty outside; why am I always inside?

The easy answer is of course my job. As editor in chief of magazines, the amount of desk time I accrue is truly staggering. Not sure if many people realize how much time it takes for even a single page of this publication to be completed. Quality magazine publishing is the enemy of the casual or uncommitted. But the harder truth is this: I’m just used to not making going outside and enjoying all its wondrous bounty a priority. I’m stuck in a rut.

By focusing this edition of The Mountains to a celebration of the Vitamin D-rrifficness our region has to offer, we tasked our writers—Hal Rubenstein, Mitch Rustad, Isabel Hochman, Jack Rico, Terry Rosen, James Long, Isabella Joslin—to briefly share what they love to do out of doors. There’s grilling, cocktailing, pool parties, farmers markets, tag sales, tennis and more. It’s a fun read. 

So, where does that leave me? I’ll say this: I’m in a much better place than I’ve ever been. I now see the value—and necessity—to lead both an interior and exterior full life. Like I said, it’s sure pretty out there, ain’t it?

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