


(above) Arethusa Farms sample game is strong. SoCo Creamery Scoop Shop 5 Railroad Street Great Barrington 01230 413.644.9866 Known for its decadent hot fudge served all year round, SoCo dishes up other favorites too, such as espresso cookie loaded with bits of organic chocolate sandwich cookies. Scrumptious. Cherries Ice Cream 4162 US-209 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 847.377.1153 Gingersnap & Marmalade in a spiced molasses ice cream? Yes, please! Cherries’ dairy’s sourced from local farms including Del’s Dairy Farm in Red Hook and Gillette Creamery in Gardiner, NY. High Lawn Farm 535 Summer Street Lee, MA 01238 413.281.7569…

tire in the hole: (above) This irrestible tire swing is located in the former community swimming hole in Livingston Manor. Sadly, it’s now private property and swimming is no longer…